Cathy Wilson
Sep 12, 20232 min read

Greener Glenview
Jul 6, 20232 min read

Greener Glenview
Mar 23, 20232 min read

Greener Glenview
Feb 9, 20232 min read

Greener Glenview
Feb 7, 20232 min read
How Much Noise Is Too Much: It's Not Just Your Hearing Being Harmed
Videos now available:
Section 1: Sound and the Brain (6:51)
Section 2: Safe” Noise and the Sensory Experience (15:07)
Section 3: Speech and Sound (3:59)
Section 4: Sound and the Environment (9:25)
Section 5: Strengthening the Hearing Brain (6:51)
Section 6: Reducing Noise (8:52)
Section 7: Protecting Your Hearing and Brain (8:46)
(Entire presentation) How Much Noise Is Too Much It's Not Just Your Hearing Being Harmed (87:00)
Who are Glenview EcoLeaders?
Why start
Greener Glenview?
What is the Greenest Region Compact?
The Dark Side of Outdoor Light: Light Pollution and its Effects on the Environment and Human Health
Videos now available:
Section 1: Introduction and Overview (18:00)​
Section 2: ALAN and Melatonin (7:27)​​
Section 3: How Does Light Pollution Affect Animals and Plants? (21:19)​
Section 4: What YOU Can Do About ALAN (8:50)
Greenest Region Compact: Glenview's adoption of the Greenest Region Compact has the potential to be a sustainability game-changer.
Learn how municipalities plan to create vibrant, sustainable communities across the Chicago region.