Greenest Region Compact
Leverages the strength of municipal government
to build vibrant, sustainable communities
across the Chicago region
A Message from Sheri Latash and Mary Munday, Co-Founders of GG
We are long time Glenview residents who, in our personal lives, try to live an environmentally sustainable lifestyle. There are many actions that individuals and our local governments (the village, park district, schools) have taken to preserve and support our environment.
With the Village of Glenview's adoption of the Greenest Region Compact (GRC), there are numerous opportunities to expand our green infrastructure to make Glenview more sustainable and resilient. Such actions have individual and community economic benefits, and improve our quality of life.
Please join us in raising awareness of past achievements, sharing the news of current initiatives, and helping us advocate for impactful implementation of the GRC.

What is the Greenest Region Compact
The Greenest Region Compact (GRC) is a framework to guide municipalities in implementing environmental sustainability goals for local and regional benefit. In November 2020, the Village of Glenview became the 132th community member of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus to endorse the GRC. The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus is a membership organization of the Chicago region's 275 cities, towns, and villages.
The current version of the GRC (2016) has 10 categories for action and 49 high-level goals that were synthesized from more than 1,150 goals and objectives. The 10 categories are:
Economic Development
Municipal Operations
Sustainable Communities
Waster and Recycling
This menu of options provides great latitude for municipalities in formulating their own sustainability plans. By adopting the GRC, municipalities become eligible for grants.
As part of the process of becoming a GRC community, the Village did a self-assessment of actions it has taken to promote environmental sustainability.
Read the Village of Glenview's report of how its actions align with the GRC framework.